Hello #AdornBoss, We're excited to help you Launch your Business
You've had vision of starting an online business for a while...like maybe even years. You may even attempted to start before but it wasn't successful because you didn't know WHAT or HOW to sell. Or you lacked passion, and eventually you got overwhelmed with the LEARNING CURVE and took a break from all the stress...and on top of all that hard work, you weren't even making any money!
But now, you're ready to go all in...again! Another attempt to be the boss GOD called you to be.
Sounds familiar? Well we have great news for you.
Adorn Boss Business Academy was created to help overwhemed new & aspiring entrepreneurs find their niche and go from being a "Wantrepreneure" to a profitable "Entrepreneur."
Ready to get unstuck? I host bi-weekly live trainings to answer your business questions. You'll leave with actionable steps and a replay of the training session.
"I feel so confident! The A.D.O.R.N. Method can help anyone in business & in Life."
"This a revelation! I truly believe Rachel went through it to give business owners the clarity to help their business grow."
"WOW! I was stuck for months. Even though I'm not tech savvy, Rachel was able to teach me how to launch my course online."
"The step-by-step action plan that I learned from the A.D.O.R.N. Method changed my life."
"Rachel is so sweet and a great mentor. She really knows how to make difficult things not seem so difficult."
"You can tell Rachel is passionate about serving in her business. I like working with mentors like her, who truly cares about you."
"We've all experienced impostor syndrome at some point. Rachel helps you realize you know enough & feel confident to get started."
"I'm so blessed to learn from Rachel. She helped me undestand I am enough and the value of how my work is tied to my purpose."
"Rachel is phenomenal! She Knows how to get you outside of your comfort zone and take you where to want to go in a shorter time than you can by yourself."
"I recommend Rachel as a Mentor. You won't regret it."
"This playbook is a game-changer! My customer base grew exponentially, and I've never felt more confident in my marketing strategies."
"Rachel can help anyone with their business, I'm positive."
Learn the 5-step framework of the A.D.O.R.N. Method to reveal your purpose, passions and how to find your ideal target audience who is looking to buy what you will sell online. We will meet you where you are and help you develop the required skills to validate your profitable Niche.
This STEP-BY-STEP course is the starting point to gaining the clarity you've been desiring for so long. Get unstuck and Finally START YOUR BUSINESS.
We created the A.D.O.R.N. method: A simple 5-step guide to help new & aspiring online entrepreneurs discover how to find your profitable niche and start a purpose-driven online business.
We love Audio Books at Adorn Boss Business Academy!
Everyone has different learning styles and we want to make
FINDING YOUR PROFITABLE NICHE as convenient as possible.
Listen to the audio of "How I Found My Profitable niche" by Rachel Ligon while driving, doing the dishes, or while at your job that you can't wait to quit once your business finally takes off.
This book will help you achieve your entrepreneurship goals faster.
"Validate Your Profitable Niche & Leave With An Action Plan To Make Your 1st Sale Online In Just 5 Days."
Imagine finally being able to make your first sale on line - all with a mentor to give you step-by-step guidance! Overcome Analysis Paralysis and discover how to profit from your passion and your purpose.
We created the A.D.O.R.N. method: A simple 5-step guide that gives you the clarity to finally START YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS that aligns passion & your purpose.
5 - Simple Steps to Find Your Niche.
Our Founder, Rachel Ligon spent years learning from mentors, coaches, books and other paid programs before actually launching her online business. After all her years of researching, she discovered there are only 5-simple steps every Faith-Based Entrepreneur must do before launching their online business. Now you have the opportunity to learn her story of how she applied the A.D.O.R.N. Method to overcome anxiety and analysis paralysis and launch the
Adorn Boss Business Academy.
Rachel Ligon is a Christian Content Creator, Author & Course creator.
She spent more than a decade working in Broadcast Journalism & TV & Film Production before finally taking the leap of faith to launch her lifestyle brand Adorn Faith.
Realizing her spiritual gift of Teaching, she decided to teach everything she's learning about becoming an online entreprenure in her Adorn Boss business Academy.
She's looking forward to sharing Course, Books and Resources in her Adorn Boss podcast featuring special guests with expertise in the Digital Marketing Space.
Rachel considers every person in her #AdornBoss & #AdornSisters community to be blessed because she serves out of LOVE with the intentions to help you evolve your spiritual, mental & financial health.
A step-by-step course teaching how to find your profitable niche using the A.D.O.R.N. Method. Rachel walks you through how she uses the Simple 5-Step guide to find the niche for Adorn Boss Business Academy. Follow along using the "Profitable Niche Workbook" to Customize the strategies within your business.
In this course, you will learn:
Learn how our Founder of Adorn Boss Business Academy, Rachel Ligon over came years of analysis Paralysis, Anxiety and finally found her Profitable Niche using the A.D.O.R.N. Method.
Inside, you will:
This FREE resource guide teaches you to ask the right questions to discover your profitable niche
Inside, we'll show you:
This book will help you on your journey to discovering your Spiritual Gifts and Overcoming Spiritual Attacks on your journey to serve the Lord in you Faith-Based Business.
Click The Button Below And Give Me Your Best Email Address To Get <Your FREE copy of the Biblical Guide To Prayer & Fasting, and get the Spiritual Breakthrough you need to succeed in life & your business.